Turnkey BBQ Business 2002 GMC Workhorse Step Van Food Truck & Large Reverse Flow BBQ Smoker
Turnkey BBQ Business 2002 GMC Workhorse Step Van Food Truck & Large Reverse Flow BBQ Smoker
Item No: FL-T-426F3

Do NOT wait, this is an amazing deal for an already set up mobile BBQ smoker + food truck biz! Everything's already been done for you- just add your meats and sauce, turn the key, and GO!
Equipment List
- Vehicle Features
- Concession Window(s): 2
- Exterior Customer Counter: fold down
- Refrigeration
- Refrigerator: fridge/freezer combo
- Cooking Equipment
- BBQ Smoker
- Kitchen Equipment
- Work Table
- Electrical
- Interior Lighting
- Electrical Outlets
- Plumbing
- Hot Water Heater
- Hand-washing Sink
- Triple Sink
- Other Equipment
- Water Tank