2017 GMC 3500 Food Truck Mobile Kitchen

2017 GMC 3500 Food Truck Mobile Kitchen
Item No: VA-T-563E2
Location: Arlington, Virginia

The vehicle is ready to roll. Get your mobile culinary business started today! This is a 2017 model GMC 3500 food truck with 3,518 miles on its engine Go see more details below.

Equipment List

  • Vehicle Features
  • Air Conditioning: Front Cab of Truck
  • Concession Window(s): 2, 4x4
  • Spare Tire: Yes
  • Diamond Plated Aluminum Flooring
  • Exterior Customer Counter: Fold Down
  • Equipment Power Supply
  • Propane Tank(s): On Board
  • Generator: 7.5K
  • Refrigeration
  • Upright Freezer
  • Prep Station Cooler
  • Chef Base
  • Cooking Equipment
  • Stovetop: 4
  • Flatgrill
  • Microwave
  • Steam Table: 2x3
  • Kitchen Equipment
  • Exhaust Hood
  • Fire Extinguisher: Built in fire suppresion system and portable
  • Pro Fire Suppression System
  • Work Table: Steel
  • Grease Trap
  • Electrical
  • Interior Lighting: Fluorescent
  • Electrical Outlets: 4 Inside
  • Breaker Panel: 100 AMPS
  • Plumbing
  • Hot Water Heater: On-Demand
  • Hand-washing Sink
  • Double Sink
  • Fresh Water Tank: 50 Gallons
  • Gray Water Tank: 60 Gallons
  • Other Equipment
  • Electrical Outlets: AC Power in truck
  • Transmission - Automatic
  • Extra Concession Windows: @ concession windows side and rear
  • Gas Engine: 8 Cylinder
  • Back-up Alarm: Yes
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