Stocked and Loaded 2003 Workhorse All-Purpose Street Food Truck | Mobile Kitchen
Stocked and Loaded 2003 Workhorse All-Purpose Street Food Truck | Mobile Kitchen

Offer your customers an incredible street food adventure with this 2003 food truck. It can accommodate a wide range of food options, ensuring a fantastic dining experience. Take advantage of this amazing offer and give us a call now!
Equipment List
- Vehicle Features
- Air Conditioning
- Concession Window(s)
- Cabinets
- Diamond Plated Aluminum Flooring
- Exterior Customer Counter
- Refrigeration
- Refrigerator
- Prep Station Cooler
- Cooking Equipment
- Flatgrill
- Microwave
- Kitchen Equipment
- Exhaust Hood
- Exhaust Fan
- Work Table
- Electrical
- Exterior Lighting
- Interior Lighting
- Electrical Outlets