Chevrolet G30 All-Purpose Food Truck | Mobile Food unit
Chevrolet G30 All-Purpose Food Truck | Mobile Food unit
Item No: PA-T-974C3

Pull up to your spot and excite food enthusiasts with your amazing food concepts served in this mobile kitchen. Great addition to your growing business or as a starter unit. Find out how you can drive this home by calling us now!
Equipment List
- Vehicle Features
- Concession Window(s)
- Exterior Customer Counter
- Refrigeration
- Prep Station Cooler
- Cooking Equipment
- Stovetop: 2 burners
- Flatgrill
- Fryer(s)
- Steam Table
- Kitchen Equipment
- Exhaust Hood
- Fire Extinguisher
- Work Table
- Electrical
- Interior Lighting
- Electrical Outlets
- Plumbing
- Hand-washing Sink
- Other Equipment
- Transmission - Manual
- Gas Engine