Well Equipped - Chevy P30 All-Purpose Food Truck with Fire Suppression System
Well Equipped - Chevy P30 All-Purpose Food Truck with Fire Suppression System

Looking for a food truck that's a money machine AND fun to run? You've found it with this great looking mobile kitchen! Has a new 6.5 Diesel engine installed August 2023, under 3 years warranty. 4 new tires installed March '23. Transmission serviced September ‘23; new emergency brake. Seller is offering this truck with 3 potential packages, see below!
Primary price of $71,500 is for kitchen truck. May buy kitchen truck with extra refrigeration, shelving and inventory for $77,000. Locals may may wish to buy whole business with extra refrigeration and commissary / warehouse + inventory for $90,000.
Primary price of $71,500 is for kitchen truck. May buy kitchen truck with extra refrigeration, shelving and inventory for $77,000. Locals may may wish to buy whole business with extra refrigeration and commissary / warehouse + inventory for $90,000.
Equipment List
- Vehicle Features
- Concession Window(s)
- Exterior Customer Counter
- Equipment Power Supply
- Propane Tank(s): 25 gallon Undercarriage
- Generator: Built In Onan 11k Watt and 4500 Portable Westinghouse
- Shore Power Cord
- Refrigeration
- Deep Freezer: 7 cu. ft.
- Refrigerator
- Prep Station Cooler
- Cooking Equipment
- Oven: Prince Castle
- Flatgrill: 48"
- Fryer(s): 40 lbs
- Microwave
- Kitchen Equipment
- Exhaust Hood
- Fire Extinguisher
- Pro Fire Suppression System
- Work Table
- Electrical
- Exterior Lighting
- Interior Lighting
- Electrical Outlets
- Plumbing
- Hot Water Heater
- Hand-washing Sink
- Triple Sink
- Fresh Water Tank: NEW - 30 gallons
- Gray Water Tank: 46 gallons
- Other Equipment
- Diesel Engine
- Additional Equipment
- Additional 1: Built in safe
- Additional 2: Air Curtain