2016 - Cargo Craft Food Concession Trailer | Mobile Street Food Unit
2016 - Cargo Craft Food Concession Trailer | Mobile Street Food Unit
Item No: OK-P-299G3

Get ready to take over the streets with delicious eats prepared in this food concession trailer. Give us a call to know more about this unit!
Equipment List
- Vehicle Features
- Air Conditioning
- Concession Window(s)
- Cabinets
- Equipment Power Supply
- Propane Tank(s): 2
- Refrigeration
- Refrigerator
- Prep Station Cooler
- Cooking Equipment
- Stovetop: 4 burners
- Oven
- Fryer(s): table top with double basket fryers
- Kitchen Equipment
- Exhaust Hood: 4'
- Exhaust Fan
- Work Table
- Electrical
- Interior Lighting
- Plumbing
- Hand-washing Sink
- Triple Sink
- Additional Equipment
- Additional 1: added new shelves
- Additional 2: hamburger press
- Additional 3: lids/containers
- Additional 4: rubber mats for the floor
- Additional 5: flat top