Custom-Built - 8' x 24' Kitchen Food Concession Trailer
Custom-Built - 8' x 24' Kitchen Food Concession Trailer
Item No: MN-P-228T2

There is so much opportunity to share your delicious cuisine with the neighborhood in this 1995 8' x 24' kitchen concession trailer. More details will be given when you contact us today!
Equipment List
- Vehicle Features
- Concession Window(s): 1 window 46W" x 36H"
- Spare Tire: mini spares underneath
- Stainless Steel Wall Covers: stainless kitchen
- Insulated Walls: 1" rigid foam insulation
- Diamond Plated Aluminum Flooring
- Exterior Customer Counter
- Bathroom: room with port a potty
- Equipment Power Supply
- Propane Tank(s): Six 20lb LP tanks built-in rack
- Shore Power Cord: 1 gauge with ground 50 feet
- Refrigeration
- Refrigerator: Delfield NSF
- Cooking Equipment
- Stovetop: 6 burner NSF stove, LP gas
- Oven: part of 6 burner stove
- Food Service Equipment
- Soda Fountain System: Built-in pre-mix pop machine
- Ice Bin: built into soda fountain
- Kitchen Equipment
- Exhaust Hood: Type 2 (steam) 6 ft wide
- Fire Extinguisher: 2 new
- Work Table: stainless steel counter
- Electrical
- Interior Lighting: LED
- Electrical Outlets: interior, multiple
- Breaker Panel: 30 amp electric panel
- Plumbing
- Hot Water Heater: LP gas
- Hand-washing Sink
- Double Sink: two 2-compartment sinks
- Fresh Water Tank: 55 gallons NSF
- Gray Water Tank: stainless steel
- Other Equipment
- Electrical Outlets
- Water Tank
- Additional Equipment
- Additional 1: Small LP gas heater
- Additional 2: 12 volt DC
- Additional 3: 2 new marine batteries
- Additional 4: Duel torsion-suspension 3500lb axels with electric brakes
- Additional 5: 2 burner countertop range