Never Used 14' Mobile Kitchen Food Concession Trailer
Never Used 14' Mobile Kitchen Food Concession Trailer

Offers Welcome!
Watch as your mobile food dreams come to life using this never used 14' food concession trailer! Unit is 100% ready to serve food and generate money!
Watch as your mobile food dreams come to life using this never used 14' food concession trailer! Unit is 100% ready to serve food and generate money!
Equipment List
- Vehicle Features
- Air Conditioning: window unit
- Concession Window(s): 1
- Diamond Plated Aluminum Flooring
- Cooking Equipment
- Flatgrill: (2) 1 3' Champion interior unit and 1 custom made exterior unit
- Fryer(s): double basket fryer
- Food Warmer: two warmer plates
- Kitchen Equipment
- Exhaust Hood
- Work Table
- Electrical
- Interior Lighting
- Plumbing
- Hand-washing Sink
- Triple Sink
- Other Equipment
- Extra Concession Windows: 1
- Additional Equipment
- Additional 1: plenty of storage