2002 - 20' x 8' Dual Axle United Expressline Food Concession Trailer
2002 - 20' x 8' Dual Axle United Expressline Food Concession Trailer
Item No: IN-P-382L

Used to serve a full menu- steaks, hamburgers, fried items, soft drinks. It is in very good condition and has several upgrades since 2010. It's fully equipped and ready to go- see details for equipment & features list.
Equipment List
- Vehicle Features
- Air Conditioning
- Spare Tire
- Cabinets
- Insulated Walls
- Equipment Power Supply
- Propane Tank(s)
- Refrigeration
- Deep Freezer
- Refrigerator
- Cooking Equipment
- Fryer(s)
- Kitchen Equipment
- Exhaust Hood
- Exhaust Fan
- Electrical
- Exterior Lighting
- Interior Lighting
- Electrical Outlets
- Plumbing
- Hot Water Heater
- Hand-washing Sink
- Triple Sink
- Fresh Water Tank
- Gray Water Tank
- Retail Equipment
- Sound System
- Other Equipment
- Extra Concession Windows