2016 - 8.5' x 18' BBQ Concession Trailer with Porch
2016 - 8.5' x 18' BBQ Concession Trailer with Porch

This 2016 model 8.5' x 18' BBQ Concession Trailer with Porch is capable of full day operations! Be the one to own this awesome unit and start making that best tasting BBQ! Check out more details of this unit below.
Equipment List
- Vehicle Features
- Concession Window(s): one; 60"x40"
- Stainless Steel Wall Covers: throughout interior
- Floor Drains: one
- Diamond Plated Aluminum Flooring: though out interior and on porch
- Exterior Customer Counter: fold down
- Equipment Power Supply
- Propane Tank(s): two; 40 lb tanks
- Shore Power Cord: 50ft; 50 Amp; Marinco Twist Lock
- Refrigeration
- Deep Freezer: Kenmore, 5.0 cu ft
- Refrigerator: Kelvinator, 18 cu ft
- Cooking Equipment
- Stovetop: 6 burners
- Oven: oversized
- Fryer(s): 1; 5 gal; Sir Lawrence
- Microwave
- Kitchen Equipment
- Exhaust Hood: 6 ft
- Exhaust Fan
- Fire Extinguisher: 2; red and silver
- Work Table: 4 ft stainless steel w/ shelf
- Electrical
- Exterior Lighting: LED (2)
- Interior Lighting: fluorescent
- Electrical Outlets
- Breaker Panel
- Plumbing
- Hot Water Heater: on demand
- Hand-washing Sink
- Triple Sink
- Fresh Water Tank: 30 gallons
- Gray Water Tank: 45 gallons